December 18, 2009

Increase eHow Earnings Dramatically

eHow Earnings | The eHow Journey
I started this blog back in August of 2009 to chronicle my eHow journey. In fact at the time this blog was called the eHow Journey as its main purpose was to track my eHow earnings and promote my eHow articles while simultaneously keeping track of what methods I was using to increase my eHow earnings month after month.

It didn’t take me long to realize however that increasing eHow earnings was not the only goal I should be having. So in September I rebranded this blog to it’s current name, Earn Residual Income Online, because that really is the goal I had in the first place. I wanted to start building residual income online and in August eHow was my main focus.

Since then I have written a number of eHow articles and my eHow earnings have increased every month since the beginning. Ad my eHow earnings have increased month-over-month I also have experienced increasing page views on my articles as well as a greater efficiency in monetizing the visitors that come to view my articles on eHow. I’ve laid out a number of reasons for this here on the blog in my archives but many of the specifics I have left out purposefully.

An eHow Earnings Slump?
I’ve now been a member and pleased contributor of eHow for roughly four months and I routinely make over $10 per 1000 visitors to my articles. Even as I write this the eHow forums are flooded with people saying that earnings now are lower than they have been in the past. There is some speculation as to why this is. It’s possible eHow earnings are down due to the new formation of eHow UK which is basically a clone of eHow US. Being a clone it is feasible that the site is leeching traffic to our paying articles in the US to non-paying articles in the UK.

Another reason cited for lower eHow earnings across the board is the effects of the recession and advertisers spending. This is unlikely I think due to the profits Google is showing. They don’t seem to be slowing and the bulk of their revenue comes from advertising. Another idea is that people simply click fewer ads during the holiday season. This may be but I haven’t been around long enough to witness eHow earnings fluctuations with the seasons. What I do know however is that I have been able to increase earning this month without contributing huge swaths of new articles to my library because I’ve been doing article marketing on what I already have published.

Increase eHow Earnings eBook
My eHow earnings have been rising this month because I am working to place my articles higher in the search engine results pages by using various article marketing techniques. Many of these techniques I talked about already on this blog and many I have not. Despite this however I have been working on an eBook covering the intricacies of eHow earnings with two fellow eHow writers and we have set out a goal to offer a book that really crunches the numbers behind eHow by showing what eHow earnings are all about.

The three of us are all very different writers and we all write about very different topics and thus we have the ability to fully encapsulate the nuances of the eHow earnings journey that all writers go down. In the coming weeks I’m going to preview some more of the goals that we have for this eBook and begin the preparation stages for the books release.

What Makes This eHow eBook Different?
I am fully aware that there are a number of quality eHow eBooks written by some prolific eHow writers some of which who have been on the site for at least a couple of years. I also understand that they have vast credibility in the field of “How To eHow” but in our eHow earnings eBook we intend not to best our fellow writers in their eBook offerings but to offer something different. We want to really delve into actual articles that make actual money and discuss the details of what makes those articles tick versus others that might not.

I want to increase my eHow earnings and I’m sure you want to increase yours as well. To do this we need to understand what eHow articles make money and why they do so. Instead of throwing a ton of articles against the wall and seeing what sticks let’s learn how to get articles to stick against the wall and then lets make it happen. I have a number of goals in my residual income journey and this will be a large one. I intend on increasing my eHow earnings and I hope you will try to do the same.

I realize there’s not much substance to this post but I felt it was necessary to lay the groundwork and state my purpose with eHow and my eHow earnings. I hope you’ll stick around to follow this journey and listen to my banter as we enter a new year and a new decade. Let’s make 2010 a profitable year full of residual income and ever increasing eHow earnings.
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December 14, 2009

Writing For InfoBarrel Versus eHow

11/20/10 - Please see my updated InfoBarrel Review here for more info.

Writing For InfoBarrel Versus eHow - A First Month Analysis

I’ve been very casually participating in a thread over on the eHow forums on eHow versus InfoBarrel and strangely the two sites appear very polarizing. Many eHow writers are ticked off at being burned by site glitches and article deletions at eHow and many people are convinced that InfoBarrel is not worth their time because the earnings aren’t as good as they are at eHow. No surprise, I am sitting squarely in the middle as I feel both sites are worthwhile even as I agree with the arguments of both sides.

I just posted a variation of the following on the eHow forums on my thoughts between the two. It is very neutral I think especially since I am happy writing for both sites. As is usually quite popular I provided a very personal account of my experiences on the two sites in the first month.

eHow First Month Earnings
I first started writing for eHow in late August. In my first 14 days on eHow (in August) I posted 36 articles and made a grand total of $3.81 during those first 14 days on eHow.

InfoBarrel First Month Earnings
During November I joined InfoBarrel and posted 37 articles in the last 13 days of the month. During those 13 days, as I described previously in my post titled InfoBarrel for Dofollow Backlinks, I earned $1.26.

For comparison sake this illustrates how eHow earns quicker with no article marketing. During both ~two week periods I did no article marketing of any kind for either site, although now I market my eHow articles by linking to them from my InfoBarrel articles. The dofollow backlinks InfoBarrel offers help my eHow SERP rank considerably in my opinion.

eHow Earnings Week Three and Four
In the first half of the next month at eHow (Sept) I posted an additional 10-15 articles and earned around $15- $20. I don’t know exactly how much I earned because that was during the time of the Zero Earners Club at ehow which I was a part of. During that time our eHow earnings were not tracked until around the end of Sept until a huge amount of community appeals forced eHow to finally look into the problem and fix it.

InfoBarrel Earnings Week Three and Four
For comparison sake the first 13 days of December at InfoBarrel I have published an additional 37 articles and earned nearly $4, about a quarter of what I earned during the same time period at eHow.

InfoBarrel's Advantages and Flaws
This shows that InfoBarrel is not good for quick money right out of the gate with no article marketing. It will take a lot more time and article marketing to make up for InfoBarrel’s new domain name (in comparison to eHow) which doesn’t rank as well in search engines as eHow. Having said that, as I’ve said before, every article written at InfoBarrel sends dofollow backlinks to my articles at eHow as well as my blogs and has noticeably helped my eHow earnings thus far in December. Even despite the eHow.UK crazy thing going on right now my page views at eHow are increasing as are my earnings per 1000 views. I feel much of this is due to the backlinks I am sending from InfoBarrel articles to eHow articles. Considering it takes me about 20 min to whip out an InfoBarrel article which backlinks three eHow articles or blog posts compared to spending an hour to whip up one eHow article that links to nothing I think the time spent at InfoBarrel there is worth it.

In the time it takes me to write one quality eHow article I can write 2-3 at InfoBarrel which sends quality contextual anchored backlinks to 6-9 different eHow or blog articles I own online. For me InfoBarrel is worth it for that alone and the earnings there are nice to. In fact if the earnings there ever start picking up then that’s golden; that’s the best of all worlds. I understand many people have their own variables which lead their decisions and opinions and that’s fine. Everyone is different and everyone values different things. For me, however, InfoBarrel is a very nice compliment to eHow and to niche blogs and I recommend others to give them a try.

InfoBarrel Versus eHow | Both Sites Have Value
I’m not sure slamming eHow on their faults is the way to go, nor do I feel that blanket statements that InfoBarrel stinks because of earnings is valuable either. Both sites are quality and have significant advantages. eHow earns better right out of the gate for whatever reason but it is harder to write for. It also runs on a platform that is seemingly held together twine and glue-sticks with all the glitches they have whereas InfoBarrel is an easier site to write for, offers extra incentives (dofollow backlinks), better customer service, and runs on a stable platform but doesn’t seem to earn as good right out of the gate.

Time will tell if InfoBarrel’s earnings improve but I will continue to write for both. I’ve got 72 articles at eHow and 74 articles at InfoBarrel. I want to get both up past 100 or so in time and then age them a few more months before I really start to compare which site I want to spend most of my time on.

Your InfoBarrel Story
I hope people unfamiliar with IB don’t brush it off as crap just because others haven’t had success with it. I know it is valuable just as I understand the eHow is valuable as well. I would be very interested to hear from anyone that has good experiences with IB. If there are any of you out there please speak up and tell your story.

And if you haven’t tried InfoBarrel yet I really encourage you to do so. You can sign up for InfoBarrel under my referral link here or a non referral link here. I hope you’ll allow me to refer you in; I’ll always be happy to help you out along the way. Thanks for reading.
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December 6, 2009

Residual Income Report – November 2009

November is fast becoming a distant memory as we are nearly a week into December. As I stated in my October eHow earnings report my main goals for November were to build my article rankings up from my eHow articles and my blog posts by building anchored backlinks to them all. And as I stated in my post yesterday on using Infobarrel for residual earnings my main way of doing that was by writing articles and posting them on InfoBarrel in addition to a smattering of articles posted on article directory sites. All in all I posted a lot of articles in November, probably more than I can consistently hit every month going forward.

eHow Earnings - Blog Earnings - InfoBarrel Earnings

You might expect that all those linking strategies paid of handsomely for me and my online residual income skyrocketed. You would be wrong however. My earnings on eHow increased about 1 percent month over month and my blog income decreased month over month. Because I didn’t post my first article on InfoBarrel until the 18th of the month I only made a little more than a dollar there and resultantly my overall monthly earnings declined slightly from October.

Having said that however all individual stats from my eHow earnings look pretty good.  Here is the break down as usual:

eHow Residual Earnings Statistics - November 2009

67 published articles earned at a combined rate of $10.25 per 1,000 PV – up from $10.19 in October
80 percent of my earnings came from 24 percent of my articles – up from 19 percent in October
20 percent of my earnings came from 45 percent of my articles – up from 41 percent in October
31 percent of my articles had no earnings at all – down from 39 percent in October

If you compare back to October every one of these stats improved month over month and I am very confident this is because of the backlink work I’ve been putting in to these articles from my blogs and from InfoBarrel in particular. If you haven’t yet tried InfoBarrel for its residual earnings and backlinks potential I recommend them whole heartedly. You can use my referral link here or a non-referral link here. Of course I’d be honored if you let me refer you in.

InfoBarrel Residual Earnings Statistics - November 2009

I don’t think I’m going to say much yet. I posted a lot in November but it was all at the end of the month and thus nothing has really earned yet. For the sake of saying something however I will say I posted 37 articles at the end of November and have earned $1.26. In December I’ll provide some updates on InfoBarrel and will fully analyze my earnings on the next Income report in the first week of January.

SERP Rank Update

I am kind of disappointed considering the amount of work that I put in but I cannot be too down on it because all the backlink worked is helping. I’m seeing my main keywords raising in the SERPs though many are still not on page one and as they get closer I’ll be very close to making significantly more money. Also, I’m not dismayed because November is a short month with a four-day holiday weekend in it. I was on pace to increase my earnings by about 10 percent for the month before Thanksgiving hit. It’s amazing how few people are surfing the web for those four days.

Earnings Per 1000 Page Views

During the month of November I had five articles deleted by eHow and I posted eight more during the month giving me 67 published articles for the month. My page views slightly improved on the month as did my earnings per thousand page views. In October I made $10.19 per 100 pages views on eHow and in November that number went up to an all time high of $10.25 per 1000 page views. Not bad at all. Overall my residual income online dipped just a bit and the heels of declining Blog earnings.

November Residual Income Report

You can see my goal bar below. My earnings for November were 1.86% of my long term goal. This is down from October but still higher than September. The dip was not too big.

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December 5, 2009

Using InfoBarrel for Residual Earnings and Backlinks

Updated on 12-10-2009
See Bottom of Post
Join InfoBarrel For Residual Income and Backlinks
Some of you who have been following along with this blog for some time now will undoubtedly notice that my posting has been light for at least a month now and my reasons have been significant. I’ve been spending all my time (for the most part) over on InfoBarrel writing and posting articles to build more residual income. Basically I’ve been using InfoBarrel to increase my residual earnings over the past two weeks in two ways: revenue sharing and backlinks to my other online content.

What Is InfoBarrel
You may want to check out my updated InfoBarrel Review here.

If you’re unsure what InfoBarrel is it’s basically the same thing as eHow except that you don’t have to write in a ‘How-To’ format to post articles. Additionally InfoBarrel will let you link out to outside sites in the articles you post there. The links are very nice because they are dofollow links and the articles are indexed almost always the same day. The revenue share is very upfront and understandable as well. They give you a solid base revenue share and allow you to increase it based on the posting volume you hit every month.

They let you earn residual income on your articles from two different sources: Adsense and Chitika ads. They also have integrated G Analytics allowing you to see page by page details of stats if you set it up. All of this is very nice… probably even nicer than eHow but since I’ve already posted some 70 eHow articles already they aren’t going anywhere. I can however support those eHow articles by writing similar articles on InfoBarrel and linking out to the eHow articles I’ve already written. I may not be enthusiastic anymore about pumping out 50 eHow articles but another 50 InfoBarrel articles will surely occur this month… and in the next two weeks probably.

My InfoBarrel Experience - 1st Two Weeks
Over the past 15 days I’ve posted 51 InfoBarrel articles each linking to my eHow articles and to my Longevity blog. Each article is unique but similar in nature to the articles I’ve already written so the backlinks are quite relevant and there is no research time required for any of these articles. As a result of all this I now have an additional 51 and counting money making articles on InfoBarrel and 100+ backlinks making my eHow articles and blog posts stronger in the SERPs.

You might be curious how I’ve been doing this considering I work a day job but I say it’s easy because I already know what to write about. I’m just writing articles related to things I’ve already written. The articles are about 500 words a piece and I can whip them out very quickly. The keyword research has already been done so there’s not much to do but track what backlinks I’m throwing up.

Use InfoBarrel For Backlinks
As of right now I’ve backlinked 95% of my eHow articles at least once and about 60% of them twice. 20% of them have even been backlinked at least three times. It’s fantastic. Not only do the backlinks get thrown up quickly but in less than one week my IB articles already started earning. On my 7th day I had somewhere around 30 InfoBarrel articles posted and I made my first dollar. After two weeks (yesterday) I had 51 articles posted and I made another two bucks and change. In the past 2-3 days my analytics are starting to show a significant increase in search traffic to the articles so I know that more earnings are just around the corner. BTW, on a earnings per 1000 PV basis InfoBarrel is almost twice as high as eHow for me at this moment however this will likely level off as volume of page views accumulates.

How about the backlinks? They are already seemingly working. I can’t be sure until at least the end of December but my earnings per 1000 page views at eHow increased to an all time high in November. Because November was a short month however and had a four day holiday weekend my overall earnings were slightly flat at eHow so by December’s end I should have an idea whether these backlinks are helping.

I should say right now that I think they are helping as my keyword rankings are far better at November month end than at November month beginning so I think this will only lead to more PV in the month of December. We’ll see how it goes. I do know that backlinks into the same article from the same domain start having less of an effect after 5-10 backlinks which means if I wanted I could backlink from IB into eHow articles about 5-10 times per eHow article before I stop experiencing benefits. This will take some time even at a rate of 120 articles per month.

Make More Money With InfoBarrel
So anyway, InfoBarrel also offers a referral program and I am so impressed with them that I will be actively promoting the program here on this blog. Head over to InfoBarrel and start making some money and backlinks and support me and my cause while you’re at it. I’d appreciate it. I’ll continue to provide guidance on my progress as the day’s, week’s, and month’s progress.

So let this be the baseline. Join InfoBarrel and post 50 articles in your first two weeks and you’ll likely make $1-$5. We’ll see how this increases in time.

Update 12-10-09 - x3xsolxdierx3x (Howie) a leading InfoBarrel contributor created this comparison chart of Infobarrel and other user content generated revenue sharing platforms.  I think it speaks for itself when you look at it from a which platform is worth my time stand point.  Click to enlarge.
Again, let me say if you'd like to signup for InfoBarrel I'd be honored if you let me refer you.  Just click here and allow me to refer you or you can click here for a non-referral link.
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November 9, 2009

Anchored Backlinks Update

It’s been approximately three weeks since I posted my goals to redefine my longevity blog in the SERPs. My recent post on residual income with anchored backlinks I showed that my main longevity blog was languishing on page three for the only term directly taken from my URL that has any advertising value. I ranked on page 1 for my blog title “how to live a longer life” (2nd) and for the shorter version “a longer life” (8th), but only 22nd for “longer life”, the only derivative of the title which carried an Adsense CPC above $0.05. I noted that in my five months of blogging every backlink that I had control of I sent back to my main page with my entire blog’s title and not the shorter moneymaking keyword.  I didn't use optimized anchored backlinks like I should have.

Residual Income With SEO & Anchored Backlinks
At that point I decided to go back through older posts and optimize the blog better for this shorter keyword and then throw some articles up with anchored backlinks to my site with the more focused keyword which had more traffic and dollars attached to it. What’s happened since then? It’s been about three weeks and since then I have moved up in the SERPs for the search term “longer life” from rank 22 to rank number 11. That’s right; in three weeks I cut my rank in half and I’m now one spot away from page one. I also improved my term “a longer life” from rank 8 to rank 5 in the same amount of time. Not to shabby if you ask me. You might be wondering what I did to accomplish this and you might be surprised to learn how little it took.

As I said in my previous post I simply wrote a handful of articles which anchored backlinks to my main blog site with my desired anchor text and I posted them on a variety of article directories. Specifically I used GoArticles, Article Blast, Self Growth, and Squidoo. And not only did I backlink in from those sources but I made a 2-3 articles per source to link into the main blog giving me a total of roughly 10 inbound anchored backlinks links. These are all estimates BTW.

Each of the articles also linked into 1-2 of the other articles to make them more important in the eyes of Google and to aid in their general indexing. After three weeks the final result is this: I have about 15 articles total on four different directory sites which all build up the authority of each other.  Then ten of those articles link into my main blog passing all that accumulated link juice onto it focused on the my desired anchor text and search term “longer life”.

Submitting To Article Directories In Less Time
For those who are a little squeamish about writing so many articles that don’t even go onto your money-making website let me remind you that ranking on page three for a term earns you nothing whereas page one gives you exponentially higher earnings potential. In my case I estimated a top five placement for this keyword is about $35/month. I’m still not at rank 1 so I’ve got more work to do still but let’s say 25 total articles for approximately $35/month indefinitely is a pretty good deal in my opinion.

Not only that, but all those articles (15 so far – 10 to go) are all derivatives of only a few original articles. I pretty much just write 3-4 long articles 600-700 words and then split them up into shorter chunks and edit them slightly for the directories effectively quadrupling my total articles and shrinking them to around 400-500 words each. This means that if I want 10 more inbound links all I have to do is write about 2-3 more long articles and then split them into smaller chunks for the submissions. Since they’re all on the same topic and are all related, they should all help each other out in the SERPs.

Indexing Article Directory Submissions
It’s funny; it doesn’t really take long to churn out the articles but it takes a bit for the SERPs to index the new pages and include the new terms in the query results pages. Some of my articles are still bouncing in and out of indexed status so that elads me to believe that if I sit on my hands for another three weeks eventually the articles will stabilize in Google and my “longer life" term will eventually crawl onto page one without me having to do anything more.

Of course I’m not going to do this; I think the bulk of the $35/month is in the top five results for my term so I will continue to add a few more articles to the cause and will submit further posts to Blog Carnivals with my new site name as “Longer Life”.

Blog Carnivals: This is another topic I haven’t touched on so I will have to do a post on this in the near future. Not now but soon. For now I just wanted to post an update on this SERP rank campaign as an illustration as to how the process works and how quick it takes. Surely, one could do this faster than me with more effort but I’m still heavily devoted to spending time with the missus at home when I can so I’ll take slow and steady any day.

A New Anchored Backlink Goal
I also wanted to point out one more positive from this challenge I placed for myself. I few of the backlinks I sent back to my site over the past few weeks have been for the anchor text: “live longer”. Three weeks ago I couldn’t find my site in the SERPs for this term. Now I’m sitting comfortably at rank 98. This is not good but at least I’m there compared to before. Once I get into the lower to mid first page for “longer life” I’ll have to start emphasizing “live longer” as my anchor and get closer to page one for that term as well.

There’s more competition for it however so it may take some time but the money might well be worth it. Over 60k people search for this monthly. The CPC isn’t that great but I do already make the top 100 so it may be worth my while for all the traffic.

Stay tuned!
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November 2, 2009

eHow Residual Income Report – October 2009

Monthly Residual Income Increase of 21 Percent

Last month I made payout with eHow. I was fairly excited about it because I had only been with eHow for a little over one full month and for the bulk of that time I was not earning anything due to a glitch in the eHow earnings calculator. After a lot of work trying to get that fixed all was well and earnings started showing up… and they were excellent compared to what I had been registering with my blog.

The reasonings for the increase in residual income were mostly due to my writing on eHow with SEO in mind whereas on my blog at the time I wasn’t doing that. I was simply blogging as everybody does. I wasn’t giving SEO much of a thought. I interlinked my posts and made sure my template SEO details were in place but other than that I was not writing for residual income; I was writing for blog subscribers.

Residual Income Online

Writing for eHow, however, I started with one thing in mind. Can I make money with eHow? This was my primary question I wanted to ask and answer. Money was the only thing on my mind. After writing one quick article on fine wine (which by the way has yet to earn even a penny) just to see how the eHow system worked I went and read a lot of How-To-eHow articles, writing for SEO articles and notably Desolator’s eHow for newbies guide. I quickly applied my principals.

As September rolled around I moved beyond strictly eHow guides and began reading the most remarkable guides to making money online that there is available. Grizzly’s Make Money Online blog is the gold standard for how this is done. I feel like I should have given him credit for everything he has taught me a long time ago. Seriously; if you want to learn how to make money online, be it on eHow on your own blog, you should read every post Grizzly has on his site. I have been going through his archives for about a month and a half, reading from oldest to newest, and I’m still not current. There is almost an overwhelming amount of inspiring and informative information there if you give him two months of your time to read it all.

That being said I began applying all that I had learned to my blog in September and have been slowly transforming my longevity blog into something less of a social blog and more of a money maker. Earnings for October are actually double what they were in August primarily because of the changes I’ve implemented.

So all that is to say; my residual income portfolio of passive income sources is higher in October than it was in September. This is my best month yet and I can say that my page views were higher in the month and my earning per 1000 page views increased month over month as well. This is important to note because this means that I am bringing in more residual income per visitor and thus my increasing earnings are expanding quite nicely.

Making Money With eHow

As previously stated in my September eHow Earnings Report I made $8.84 per 1000 page views on 36 published articles. September saw an increase in this rate as well as an increase in overall page views. I received $9.76 per 1000 page views on 55 published articles. And in October I only published a few more articles (9), mostly because I’ve been writing tons of content elsewhere. However due to the info I’ve been picking up I was able to increase both my page view total and earnings per 1000 rate. On 64 published articles I made $10.19 per 1000 page views on eHow. Not bad at all.

Regarding my blogging my earnings per 1000 page views increased ~34 percent over August as I’ve been slowly working on monetizing the site rather than socializing it. Again; a lot of this is due to the writings of the aforementioned Grizzly. I also implemented one specific change late in October on my longevity blog which I won’t fully see the results of for another month. About 40 percent of my search traffic goes to one page on that blog on the top causes of death in America.

I rank in Google (G) for this page in the top 1-5 spots for many different related search terms and thus I get a ton of traffic to the page. Unfortunately it is traffic that doesn’t make money. People searching for this info get what they want on the page and they don’t click on the ads. Additionally there are no advertisers for this page either. My Adsense ad blocks showed up as PSA ads for this page and they always had. Anyone landing on this page made me no money at all. So what did I do? I took Adsense down for this one page and installed Chitika for this one page instead.

Diversify Residual Income Sources

Chitika serves up ads based on the search term used to find your site and they only display to search traffic. When all was said and done I was able to monetize this page after all. The conversion rate is quite low but it is far better than the 0 percent that it once was… and because this page gets so much traffic the increase in earnings for this one page alone increased my overall earnings rate on the blog substantially. November will be the first full month of this change so the results will be interesting to see.

Regarding my residual income on eHow I thought it would be important to note some of the general stats again.

eHow Residual Earnings Statistics - October 2009

64 published articles earned at a combined rate of $10.19 per 1,000 PV
80 percent of my earnings came from 19 percent of my articles
20 percent of my earnings came from 42 percent of my articles
39 percent of my articles had no earnings at all

My Top Earning eHow Article

A mini-case study: One of my articles accounted for 31 percent of my total earnings. Under closer inspection I found that this was primarily due to the fact that the main keyword phrase of the article (two variations of it actually) appear in G on page one of the SERP rankings. None of my other highest earners fall on page one. This means that this article makes money based on both long-tail keyword searches as well as targeted main keyword searches. All of my other articles only get the long-tail searches because searchers for their main keyword phrases fall much deeper in the SERPs.

This is important to note because it illustrates just how important it is to rank well for your main keyword phrase. A friend of mine, Kim, has a nice hypothetical earnings plan up over on her site The Content Writer.  She charts what earnings might look like making $5 per article a month.  This is possible but it will require main keyword phrases to hit the first page of Google to achieve.  This might mean a bit of backlinking behind the scenes will be required.  A goal for the coming months will be to get some of these other articles ranking better in G and see if I can get more articles to duplicate the success of this one in particular. Backlinking will be my main strategy. I have linked into them some from this blog as well as my longevity blog. I will have to continue working to build more links into these articles and rank them better for their main keywords.

My Overall Residual Income Online

To finish off this post I’ll give a brief synopsis of my overall residual income online. My previously stated goal is to duplicate my day job income with online residuals. I won’t say how much I making online nor will I say how much my day job income is but lets be coy and say that my day job pays well enough to support a home-owning family of two on one income.

Last month my online residuals covered 1.64 percent of my salary; this month the total is up to 1.99 percent, a total month-over-month increase in residual income of 21 percent. Not bad. Next month surely will be better as I continue to optimize for search traffic and monetization and build anchored backlinks. Stay tuned.
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October 28, 2009

You Can Get Dofollow Backlinks With Squidoo!

Last Updated 10/11/2014

As of early Fall 2014 Squidoo no longer exists. Consequently any statements made in this original article about Squidoo are now antiquated and not applicable any longer. Furthermore the concept of link building as it was originally written about in the Fall of 2009 is vastly different. Simply linking to yourself all over the net is not exactly helpful... unless you are doing it in a more "interesting" way.

As an ongoing theme here this past week I’m going to continue discussing the concept of obtaining dofollow anchored backlinks to help serp rankings for your money making articles and blogs. In my first post in this short series I discussed predominantly the concept of the anchored backlink and why it is important. My last post was on the topic of building anchored backlinks with content websites and in it I discussed how content sites can provide quality backlinks which point to your money making articles. In that past I referenced an ongoing experiment of increasing SERP rank for a friend’s eHow article. What I didn’t say however was that those backlinks aren't going to do any good if Google and the other search engines don’t know about them.

What Good Are Anchored Backlinks...

Let’s say I’m trying to build residual income. That is the whole point after all. If you are reading this you should be in this frame of mind as well. You are no going to significantly build residual income unless your money-making articles and blogs get to the top of the SERPs. To do this we need to send dofollow backlinks at them which are properly anchored with the proper keywords. Tying this all together however those backlinks won’t help our money makers rank better unless the backlinks are indexed.

In my last post I mentioned Squidoo. This is a “content website” where you can make webpages (lenses) which are on any topic you choose. You can code links into the text which link out to your money-makers. The links are dofollow backlinks and therefore they are quite valuable. Now some will say that Squidoo can be used for making money; and yes this is true, but for my purposes the backlinks are the real gems because they can make anything a money maker… especially sites and pages in which you do not have to profit share with a middle man. Adsense revenue does not get split if your money-makers are personal blogs, and if Adsense revenue is not split then your potential for residual income is much greater.

...If They're Not Indexed?

Trying to stay on track here. In my last post my friend's Squidoo Lens pointed back to her eHow article (yes this is still a profit sharing system – just disregard that aspect – pretend the Lens is pointing to a personal blog if you need too). The eHow article is was already generating traffic and with the lens giving her a dofollow backlink, her money-making article will rank higher in the SERPs… but only if the lens and the link to her article is indexed. That is why it is important to support your backlinks with more backlinks. You’ll notice I did this for my friend in my last post by linking to her Squidoo Lens from this blog. Because this blog is indexed by Google the link in her Lens will be indexed and her SERP rank for the money-making article will improve in time.

Backlinking Strategies

This is why it is important to have at least two blogs. This why many people writing online for residual income have large networks of blogs. They strategically send dofollow backlinks to each other and to the various related content sites and online articles to pass indexing and PR (page rank) to the money-makers. The blogs sending dofollow backlinks may or may not have much PR but with them being indexed already the whole process speeds up. In some cases action of some kind is the only way to get content articles indexed.

I’ve discussed on numerous occasions already here on this blog that I have another flagship blog on health and longevity. To some extent this site supports that longevity blog by sending anchored dofollow backlinks to it from the occasional page. This blog also sends backlinks to some of my old eHow articles... as well as to friends who I am supporting and various other online content pages that are relevant to learning how to earn residual income online. This blog also serves the purpose of helping my content articles with indexing.

Squidoo Lens Experiment

I recently setup three lenses on Squidoo for the purpose of building dofollow backlinks to my longevity blog. The lenses are in place and published with optimized backlinks but none of the the lenses are indexed by Google yet. Interestingly a couple of the lenses were initially indexed but then fell out of the index a couple days later. With these lenses not indexed the dofollow backlinks contained in them aren't working very hard for my cause.

My first Lens at Squidoo titled Health, Longevity, and Aging, actually backlinks in to my Goarticles article (check it out) but the Lens hasn't been viewed yet because it still isn't indexed in Google after eight days. The backlinks in the article are dofollow but Google can’t follow them yet because it doesn't know they exist.

Supporting my Squidoo Lenses (above) and various content articles such as Live A Longer Life posted over at the article directory SelfGrowth, with a backlink from an indexed blog (like this one) will get these pages indexed and get those backlinks working for me, building my residual income streams one backlink at a time.

Stacking Dofollow Backlinks

This is just another illustration as to how to use dofollow backlink strategies in your favor. This blog has directly supported my main longevity blog with backlinks and now it has supported my content website writings on Squidoo and SelfGrowth which indirectly support my main flagship blog (i.e. the money maker).

Last night as an experiment I even posted another Squidoo lens on FSBO MLS Listings to see if this hastily crafted lens could help my SERP rank for my two eHow articles on MLS Listings. The lens is not yet indexed nor is it fully published but with a link from this post the process will likely be much quicker.  The irony is that this blog in posts past has already linked directly to both of my MLS related eHow articles. This blog it seems is a workhorse as it is supporting so many things on the web; including my readers needs as well as my friend's.
Update 10/29/09: My FSBO MLS Squidoo Lens (link above) is now indexed in Google; it took less than a day.

Internet Marketing

So how do you build dofollow backlinks to your money-makers? Make a Squidoo lens or anything else online that offers dofollow backlinks and link into it; and then support that dofollow backlink with indexed backlinks from other sources. That's pretty much it.  Rinse and repeat.

How is my friend’s indexing for her lens which I linked to two days ago? It’s indexed. See screenshot.

If it links to her eHow article (the money-maker) it will help bunches.

Start yourself up an account with Squidoo and use it to backlink to your money-makers and then support those dofollow backlinks, lenses, and articles with indexing from another supporting blog (i.e. non-money-maker) or other previously indexed articles.  Go do it; I've been doing it every day recently.
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October 26, 2009

Building Anchored Backlinks With Content Websites And Article Directories

In my last post on building residual income with anchored backlinks I discussed my plans for increasing search traffic for my main human longevity blog by mixing up and increasing the incoming links to the main page. I want to get my search ranking for the term “longer life” higher so that my overall blog traffic and resulting residual income to increase over time.

In that post I briefly discussed how I get some of those backlinks and I wanted to further develop the topic in a stand alone post as I follow up on another older post titled Increase SERP Rank on eHow where I analyzed the profitability of a friend’s eHow article. In that post I suggested that her article could make a decent sum of money if it was able to climb the SERP ranks for it’s main keyword phrase. I suggested that after a few on-page tweaks were made that a few backlinks would help it out.

As it now stands that eHow article on hosting a honeymoon showe(article was removed) has been firmly stuck in the 10th position in Google for it’s main keyword term despite a few backlinks being built. As far as I can tell the article now has at least about 5 anchored nofollow backlinks pointing to it with the most recent only going live over the weekend and today when the author of the article got busy supporting it with some additional dofollow backlinks of her own.

Content Websites & Article Directories

This is how things are done in the world of getting dofollow backlinks for a beginning internet marketer. Only so many people will find your article or blog post and only a miniature fraction of those people will backlink to it unless you have a ton of friends online reading your stuff already.  You have to start marketing your work yourself. Internet marketing is something that every content writer online needs to do if they want to make money and writing articles for a content website is a great way to do just that.

The thing is that SERP ranking will rank you higher for your main terms when other related sites link to you using optimal anchored text. Most websites don’t have this and because of this if you do have them you will automatically be a cut above the rest and will be much more likely to be near the top of the rankings.

In my last post I mentioned that I was starting to drum up backlinks to my longevity blog by writing articles with backlinks to my longevity blog embedded in them.  I then submit them to dofollow article directories and wait. I also mentioned writing articles containing dofollow backlinks embedded in them and submitting them to content websites such as Squidoo as a means of getting backlinks and this is exactly what my friend has started to do.

A Backlink Campaign

In addition to linking to her eHow article from her own writers blog (another dofollow backlink) she went out and crafted a lengthy and all encompassing Squidoo lens on Hosting a Honeymoon Shower (article was removed) and linked it to the eHow article. Squidoo is a content website where you write articles, share in their ad profits, and also can promote your other online writings as the site offers dofollow backlinks if you choose to code them into the articles you post there. Furthermore, because Squidoo has a high page rank (PR) in the eyes of Google, the links there are valued substantially higher than they might be in other places around the web.

The beauty of content sites is that you can write as many as you like and as long as they point back to your main money making article (wherever it may be on the web) the more backlinks you build the better your search ranking will be. If you were to write four Squidoo lenses, four Examiner articles, four Ezine articles, and four SelfGrowth articles all linking back to the money making article (in this case posted on eHow) then you would have 16 optimized backlinks, probably more than enough to jump up to the top of the SERPs.

Sure, this may seem like overkill but if the money-making article has enough potential then it may well be worth it. I speculated in my previous analysis that the honeymoon shower article on eHow could get potentially in the $6-$7 range every month if it ranked high enough in the SERPs. Is 16 backlinks from content websites and article directories worth it for $6.50 monthly? It may be for some people and it might not be for others. Maybe it won’t take 16 to get to the top of the SERPs, maybe it will only take 6. That might be worth it.

The Value of Internet Marketing

I can guarantee you though that if I found an article which could potentially bring in $50 per month that 16 backlinks would be worth my time… maybe even 26. Sure it takes time but building residual income like that is work; if it wasn't work than everybody would do it.

How profitable then is my friends honeymoon shower article now that we've been building anchored backlinks with content websites in addition to blogging backlinks?  The jury is still out. Actually; the article is not mine so I frankly have no idea how well it is doing but I do know that we have not yet climbed the SERPs for the main keyword phrase as of yet. We still are on page one of Google in the 10th spot. Hopefully this new Squidoo Lens and this post, which juices the lens, will help out some more.

What I do know however is that 1st place in Google is very possible using this backlinking strategy. How do I know? I know because we've already hit the top spot in Yahoo Search for the term “honeymoon shower”. See pic:

Yahoo tends to recognize inbound links less judiciously than Google but once Google starts accepting these inbound links into its search algorithm, up the article will go in their search results page too. If we can get this article to number one in Google as well as Yahoo we will defiantly know that this article is starting to earn it’s full potential and at that point we can start focusing on other money making articles to market and increase profitability on as well.

Build Residual Income

This is after all what sets apart content writers from residual income builders. Building residual income is not always just about writing content, it’s about optimizing content for max profit and then marketing that work so that it achieves it potential.

Should you write one money making article and make a buck off of it every month with no marketing or should you write one money-making article and write ten articles sending anchored backlinks to it resulting in $20 of profit every month? This internet marketing route increases your overall earning by roughly 100 percent. Seems like a no brainer to me. Just set yourself up an account with some of the dofollow content writers sites such as Squidoo and HubPages as well as with some of the dofollow article directories such as GoArticles, Ezine articles, and SelfGrowth and increase your earnings. Market your informational products and do the work necessary to build many significant and lasting residual income streams online.
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October 21, 2009

Build Residual Income with Anchored Backlinks

In my last post I discussed how I wanted to build residual income producing content on the web. I referred to three things in particular in that post which I'm involved in: content websites (eHow), flagship blogs (my longevity blog and this blog), and niche blogs (unnamed). Each of these types of online content centers are really only built for one reason: to build residual income. In this post I want to zero in on how to take this online real estate and build residual income by increasing SERP rank with anchored backlinks and a defined backlink strategy.

Build Residual Income

For this post I’m going to be zeroing in on my first and most established blog and discuss what I have been doing wrong from day 1 and what I am doing today to fix my errors.

From day one I named my blog and have been sending backlinks to the blog using the entire name, How To Live A Longer Life. This is really good in as much as it gives my site authority keyword ranking in the SERPs for the entire anchor link that is used, in this case the anchor text used for most every link to my main blog was “how to live a longer life”. This has been beneficial to my site in climbing the SERPs for this search term. In fact right now, five months after its inception, the site 2nd in the SERPs for it’s main keyword phrase. The problem however is that few people search for this entire phrase and I have rarely used the entire phrase in my 200 plus blog posts. If I used the entire phrase more often I might have an outside shot at number one; which is currently held by WikiHow. See graphic:

Use The Right Keywords

To remedy this I am continuing my link building campaign to the site relatively unchanged (blog carnivals mostly thus far) but will be going into older posts and trying to add the entire keyword phrase into a few more posts. When appropriate I’ll take these freshly added keyword phrases and link them to my home page to further help tie the site together under the main keyword phrase. This process is not that big of a deal however since I rank number two for it and I not many people search for the entire phrase. According to Adwords’ Keyword Tool, only 46 searches for this term occur every month.

Another major problem with my original setup with this blog is that the main keyword phrase only has a CPC rate of about $0.05 per. This is terrible and something I didn’t consider back in May when I started the site. To narrow the term slightly I have ~170 people monthly searching for “live a longer life” which I also rank second for (another $0.05 phrase) and lastly I have ~720 people searching every month for the term “a longer life” which I rank 8th for. Again this is only a $0.05 CPC phrase. What I need to do is start focusing on phrases that have a better advertisers value. The only phrase that breaks out of my original long-tail phrase that remains is the term “longer life” which gets ~14,800 searches and costs advertisers a CPC rate of ~$1.10.

This is much better and could me much more lucrative for me to rank on the first page for and I should have been optimizing my backlinks for this… maybe not from the beginning but once my main phrase hit page 1, which was months ago.

Currently I rank for the term “longer life” in Google SERPs at number 22.

Last week I was at 25 so I’m almost to page two. If I can get to page one I can start claiming a decent chunk of those ~14,000 monthly searchers. To this goal I started optimizing inbound links where I could to my site to use the term “longer life” as the anchor text. As far as I know until I started this goal I didn’t have any anchored backlinks with this variation of my main keyword phrase. I figure that by building up backlinks with this anchor text I should be able to break into page two and then page one in time.

Keyword Profitability Analysis

On my post a few days back on increasing SERP rank for eHow I identified a hypothetical formula that would identify an approximation of potential profits for a given keyword phrase. (Go back and read it if you missed it; I’ll wait.) Using the same formula but adjusting for the lack of a middle man between me and Adsense, a number one ranking for the term “longer life” should translate to monthly Adsense earnings of ~$34.65 per month for this one keyword phrase. That of course is assuming I’m sitting in the number one position. The rank where I currently stand (page 3) gets me nothing because nobody goes three pages deep in the SERPs. Rank 11 (first on page two) might get me about a dollar if I’m lucky; the goal, however, is page one.

Climbing the SERPs

How have I started my assault on page one for the term “longer life”? I removed some text on my page that wasn’t relevant to anything related to my main term or focused term. I edited my blog description to include the term “longer life” and I added two more references to the term on the main page. I also added a few related terms to living long on the page that would reinforce the idea of living long such as the term “human longevity” and “life expectancy”. Now, if you analyze the main page it doesn’t look much different than it did befre but it does have a better keyword density.

Anchored backlinks

This was all the small stuff however. The main action is in getting anchored backlinks to the site using my preferred term “longer life”. To do this I wrote a long post called “How to Live a Longer Life” which encapsulated the entirety of the blog in summary. I then split the post up into parts in Word and submitted these parts to two different article directories (one on GoArticles and one on SelfGrowth) both of which don’t add the “nofollow” tag to outbound links. These two articles contain links to my main blog page and the post page using the shorter version of my main keyword phrase as the anchor text. The links in the articles fall once in the opening paragraphs and once in the closing paragraphs as well as in the bio lines. This means that when sites scrape my article for syndication they will include links back to my blog and post with my predefined optimized anchor text.

I further went out and started a Squidoo Lens (Squidoo also passes “dofollow” links) on Longevity and Aging which links into my article posted on GoArticles to help give it some PR and keyword authority which in turn helps people find it and syndicate it. I have yet to create a Lens doing the same to my SelfGrowth article but will do this in short order.

Article Syndication

The point here is to use the “dofollow” article directories as bait to other bloggers and content providers into syndicating my material on their own sites. Because my optimized backlinks are embedded in the articles when a few people start syndicating them then I should have a number of optimized “dofollow” backlinks from a wide smattering of sites. That’s the goal at least.

Like I said I only started this plan less than two weeks ago and my climbing of the SERPs for “longer life” has already begun. I started on the 10th of October at number 25 and I currently stand at 22. I figure with a few more article submissions, Squidoo Lenses, and maybe a few more Blog carnivals I should be able to climb the SERPs into page two in short order and then start working towards page one. As I said before page one is where the money is and I want to do everything I can to get there in order to actually build residual income online. I will of course discuss my progress in future posts. Thanks for checking in and reading this far.
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October 17, 2009

Building A Residual Income Empire & An Anniversary

Last Updated 10/11/2014

I wanted to put up a quick note this evening on the blog mostly to commemorate my two-month posting anniversary on eHow. I published my first article over there two months ago today and I now have built an article arsenal of 61 residual income generating articles in total. I started writing in a flurry and have slowed considerably as of late… mostly due to new projects I’ve taken on. This is planned and these projects should be lucrative so I’m fine with the trade-off.

Anyway, I just wanted to say that with my last post on increasing SERP rank I got a handful of compliments (not in the comments section) so for those I am appreciative. I hope to be able to help out others similarly in the future and I plan on posting similar case studies periodically; I’m currently working on an in depth case study for another friend on eHow as well as on my article, How to Lower LDL Cholesterol Levels With Better Nutrition (article removed by ehow), which was posted nearly two months ago targeting a few different keywords.

I also wanted to say that my experiences so far with eHow have made me feel that eHow is an excellent way to build income (though not large) early in a freelance online writer’s career. eHow, in two months time, is my biggest source of income but I suspect that in six months or so it will not be so anymore. I suspect that focusing on only one medium is too limited in scope regardless of the initial success it provides.

Because of this I have continued to work on my human longevity blog and have decided that I need to both promote it better as well as continue to provide quality content on it. That blog is really going to slowly become a flagship blog for me as is this residual income blog too, I hope. In addition to these two main blogs and my eHow writings I’m starting to put together a niche blog for the sole purpose of trying to make money at home more efficiently. I will go into details in an upcoming post and describe exactly how I plan on monetizing that blog right away.

The niche blog will be an experiment to see if I can make more money with it having only a handful of blog posts than I can on similar sized handful of quality eHow articles. Everything should go live around the same time. I will definitely update when results start coming in.

And to clarify what I mean by niche blog: I'm creating a site that draws visitors but doesn't answer their questions. The point is to get them to find the blog; tickle their curiosity on a very specific subject but provide few answers to their questions in hopes that the ads on the page do just that. :) We'll see how it goes. Check back for updates on that in the coming weeks and months.
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October 14, 2009

Increase SERP Rank on eHow

Last Updated 10/11/14

It’s time again for another eHow case study on increasing an article's SERP rank and an articles earnings.

A friend on mine came to me with an article that was recently posted on eHow: How To Host a Honeymoon Shower (article removed) and asked for some critical suggestions. Having looked over the article and given permission to make a public case study I thought I would share with you as an illustration on what to do to maximize your eHow earnings.

First of all the article should be written well; and it is. There are no grammatical errors or misspellings. Everything reads fine. Check. Now lets look at potential monetization.

What Makes A Profitable eHow Article?

I looked the article’s main keyword phrase “honeymoon shower” on Adwords Keyword Tool and see that it gets ~2,400 searches per month with a CPC rate of $0.71 per click. Click graphic for full size:

At a reasonable click through rate (CTR) of 1.5% this keyword should cost the combined advertisers approximately $10.65 per 1,000 page views on this page… of course not all of that gets paid to the author. Some of the revenue is skimmed off the top by Google and then more is skimmed off the top by eHow. Lets guess you could get around a quarter (I don’t know the actual cut ratios so this is a guess based on a 50% skim for Google and then a 50% skim from eHow) of that total.

That would mean if all 2,400 searches per month hit your page you could possibly get up to $6.39 for this article per month every month. That’s not going to happen but you could potentially get most of the 2,400 monthly searches. The trick is getting into the top spot on the search engines for your main keyword. If your not there then you’re only going to get a small fraction of those 2,400 searches and a small fraction of that potential $6.39.

Looking at your current SERP results for the keywords “honeymoon shower” I’m actually fairly surprised to see this article doing so well being that it is such a new article having only been published September 18th. It currently ranks:
• 1st in Google for “How To Host A Honeymoon Shower”
• 1st for “Host A Honeymoon Shower”
• 7th for “A honeymoon shower”
• 9th for “honeymoon shower”

Not bad at all but being 9th for the full keyword will still only get you a small fraction of the 2,400 searches for “honeymoon shower” (BTW: I’m purposefully omitting long-tail keywords from this analysis) so let see how we can get this page higher.

eHow's On-Page SEO

The on-page SEO is pretty good. The keyword “honeymoon shower” is in the Title and the URL, in the content 8 times plus 1 more time in the picture’s caption which is good though could be better. There is only a keyword density saturation of 1.6 percent which is on the low side.

Also it could be better if the picture’s file name had the keyword in it which it currently doesn’t. To do this the you would have to change the file name for the picture on your computer to something along the lines of “honeymoon-shower-invitations” (all words get a hyphen between them) and then re-upload the picture to the article. If you go ahead and change the caption to read “honeymoon shower invitations” instead you will start chasing long-tail and related searches as well such as “shower invitations”. You can sprinkle a couple references to “shower invitations” in the article to support this.

I would also take the opportunity to upload a new picture to the intro section with the file name “host-a-honeymoon-shower” with the caption “Host A Honeymoon Shower”. This would give you two pictures optimized for search plus you gain an extra keyword rich caption.

Lastly I would try to sprinkle in a few adjectives into the content which describe things as “shower XXXXs” like “shower invitations” mentioned above. For instance, the Keyword Tool shows that people search for the term “shower gifts”, “shower ideas”, “shower invitations”, “shower games”, etc. As the article currently stands it doesn’t described anything as a shower anything. This might not make a huge difference to alternate searches but should help out marginally.

Backlinks Increase SERP Rank

The ultimate goal with this eHow article is to get the search term “honeymoon shower” to the top of Google page 1. It is currently 9th. I would imagine a few of these tweaks could get it up a couple more spots but to get to number one will take a few backlinks like the one provided in this analysis here on Earn Residual Income Online; so that should help.

If I were the author of this article I would also try to get at least another keyword anchored backlink to it from my blog (post page only) or from someone else’s blog (also in a post page). If you’re really into it you could promote it further but that’s another topic altogether.

This article already has got one backlink now, so with a little more optimization let’s see how high this article can get in a few weeks.
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October 13, 2009

An eHow Blogger Template SEO Series

blogger template SEO series
Last Updated 10/11/14

It’s no secret that I have no problem with recommending Blogger blogs as my blogging platform of choice. All of my main blogs at this point are hosted on Blogger and I’m very happy with them. I love the simplicity and the robust backend where I can manipulate the templates. Not only that but it keeps my overhead costs way down as I don’t have to host anything myself, everything’s on Google’s servers. I like to keep it frugal.

Sure, I would like to diversify a bit and try my hand at some Wordpress self-hosted blogs but that is a future project that I will put on hold for now. So, in the spirit of working with Blogger, I’ve actually started writing a few articles on eHow on optimizing Blogger’s backend to be more SEO friendly.

I could post these articles here on this blog as a series but I feel eHow is a logical place for them. Maybe in the future if my library of Blogger how-to’s grows substantial enough I’ll craft a little starter guide and make it available here for free on For now check out the articles if you are interested in following along.

Blogger Template SEO Series on eHow

  • How To Backup Your Blogger Blog Template (article removed by ehow)
  • How to Edit Blogger Blog Header Tags For Better SEO (article removed by ehow)
  • How To Increase Blog Income With Onsite SEO Tips (article removed by ehow) and
  • How to Make Your Google Blogger Blog Look More Professional (article removed by ehow)
I’ll update this post in the future as new articles go live so check back in frequently or bookmark this post for future reference.
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Want To Earn Residual Income Online? Yeah, Me Too!

earn residual income online

What Is Residual Income

I’ve done a lot of learning recently about earning residual income online. In fact, that is the topic of this blog and my overarching goal but it occurred to me (as it may have to many of you) that earning residual income is different from earning passive income in that residual income is income based off of a sale or business activity that is paid out over and over indefinitely. Passive income is essentially the same thing except the term implies that the person (myself) is no longer active in generating new business activity and is thus experiencing passive income, income that is generated despite having no current activity in business.

Of course I thought about naming this blog earn passive income online but that seems to contradict my business activity in that I am actively seeking new business and attempting to grow my income stream. I am seeking residual income while I experience passive income which I’ve already created. Does that make sense?

The purpose of this blog among other things is to chronicle my learning in this area of generating residual income from all available sources. In addition to highlighting what I have learned on earning residual income I will teach you to do exactly what I am doing so that you can have the same opportunities to succeed that I did without having to read so much and work so hard.

It’s important to note that I am not an expert in earning residual income; I am merely a well educated beginner. I have read more information on online residual income than you could believe. That’s why it’s high time I develop a rich resume on the topic of generating residual income online and back up what I’ve learned with real results. I kind of feel like I am like a college graduate stepping out into the job market for the first time. I’ve learned so much and now I’m ready to start working.

Residual Income - Where to start?

There’s so many options. There’s your standard investments: stock, bonds, real estate, etc. Income derived from these investments are definitely residual income in nature but they require up front capital and carry some risk as easily noted by the economic recession of the past two years. Virtually all markets are down over the last two years ending by a considerable sum. Real Estate markets are even worse too because investors here are typically highly leveraged at an average rate of between 3:1 and 20:1, meaning investors in real estate can gain or lose $3-20 per every dollar they invested depending on their leverage rate. For me this is something I’m interested in but only when I can afford the risk.

I am still a young man and I have a young wife and we both have considerable student debt. Sure there are no kids but you never know when they’ll come around. Risk is something I need to avoid at this time and that leaves me to find residual income investment sources that carry no risk… or I should say no financial risk. Internet marketing and informational products are the logical product to generate this residual income while time becomes my main investment vehicle rather than cash. By turning to internet marketing I can safely assume no financial risk and invest only my time and energy into building a catalog of residual income bearing projects that will provide passive income over the long haul.

My Residual Income Journey as it Now Stands

Currently I invest a significant amount of my energy to a number of online ventures where I only risk the loss of my time. To date I have been active in this pursuit for approximately five months and I have already begun building a solid base for long term residual income. In fact I have started tracking this base and sharing basic numbers with you my reader on my earnings and goals page. As the days go by I will be posting specific information on what I’m doing to build more residual income and I will share how you can do the same. I will do specific case studies on tactics and I will link to or show actual examples of residual income pieces as applicable. I will provide to you all the information you need to learn from my efforts and duplicate my successes.

Am I successful now? I think so, considering the duration of my residual income resume and I feel that my success is growing every day. If you want to be a part of this growth process I’d encourage you to stop by this site, whenever you have the chance and join me on this quest for ever increasing residual income.
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October 9, 2009

Diversify Your Residual Income: It Pays To Be Safe

Last Updated 10/11/14

This blog really started as an eHow blog as I wanted to chronicle my exploits writing fascinating and riveting articles such as how to get a real estate license in Missouri and how to find a FSBO MLS listing online (article doesn't' exist any longer) but after some time I realized that this focus was too limiting. For instance what would I do if eHow were to close down? My earnings would be gone and this blog would be dead. Also, what about all my other freelance writing exploits online such as my longevity blog or any number of other projects I might take on? (I've got some in the works.)

A Goal: Multiple Residual Income Sources

Well, that’s why I did the major rebranding early while still in this blog’s infancy. I want to be able to discuss the many residual income projects I’m working on here as my goal as previously stated in my post: Income Diversification, is to diversify my income streams, my writing subjects, and my functional use platforms.

Diversify Functional Use Platform Use

What do I mean by this? I mean, right now my prime sources of residual income are via Adsense, Amazon Affiliates, and eHow earnings (which are largely driven by Adsense). If Adsense were to disappear most all earnings would go with it. Currently all of my blogging occurs on Google Blogger. This is another platform issue because I am 100 percent reliant on Blogger remaining operational and free. If something’s changes I've only got eHow to fall back on.

I don’t even have a hosting account anywhere thus everything is hosted on Google’s servers such as Picasa and Blogger. I should have a backup plan. I should experiment a little worth Wordpress as a way of diversifying. I should work on setting up static websites as a way of diversifying out of blogs. I should sell actual product somewhere to diversify out of contextual advertisements. I should do many things to safeguard my residual income.

Rebranding For Diversification

Rebranding this blog is a step in that direction and I hope to follow up on this post in the future with actual steps I’m taking to do accomplish better diversification. For now I’ll say that I’ve dipped my toe in the water of diversification by setting up an affiliate sales relationship with Cyn Vella. I’ve got an ad for her eBook on increasing your eHow earnings (ebook is not applicable any longer) on my sidebar. If anyone is writing for eHow it is in their best interest to make sure to maximize their earnings; this book will show you haw Cyn got to be one of the best paid eHow writers.

Additionally I’m in the planning and collaboration stages of a couple projects which should help me diversify my residual income. I will however bring these projects up in more detail when the time is right. Thanks for following along!
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October 8, 2009

eHow Earnings Report - September 2009

Happy news today: I received my first ever payment from eHow for my earnings from the months of August and September. The money is in my personal account and I couldn’t be happier. Apparently, according to the forums a lot of the details revolving around the payment system has been changing a bit this month and even veteran members who have been receiving payments like clockwork for over a year were worried that something was wrong. Regardless, this is my first payment and thus the details of delivery are all I know. I wasn’t worried and I am happy.

My eHow Earnings Report Philosophy

I know a lot of eHow bloggers give monthly income reports on their blogs and I, up until now, have resisted the urge to give specific earnings information on this blog or to people in general. I have talked a bit about goals and $/thousand page views but I’ve resisted the urge to give specific about which articles are my best earners, how many page views I have, and home many earnings I have. I think I will continue this trend to maintain my privacy but I do want to provide some form of an earnings update monthly. It only seems fitting.

For now I will stick to publishing a dollars-per-thousand-page-view ratio as my public measure of earnings. I think it’s a valid measurement that people can get a grasp of yet it doesn’t reveal too much because nobody really knows what my page views are except for me. I did reveal my first month page views on the eHow forums last month but going forward I expect to keep this info under wraps with little deviation. Maybe on an article by article basis but I’ll leave that for when the time comes to reconsider my self-imposed rule.

First Month On eHow - How Much Can You Earn?

A lot of people ask the question: How much can I (did you) earn in your first month and this of course is a difficult question to answer because you can consider many things your first month. I will consider my first month to be the calendar month of August even though I only joined eHow on August 16th. That gave me 16 days to earn in my first month and only 15 days of that did I have articles live. In those 15 days I published 36 articles and did not make payout. The money I did make however I felt was good considering my short time with eHow and my low overall page view total. I made exactly $8.84/1000 page views… better than my regular earning ratio from my blogs. That alone was fuel to keep writing for eHow.

September of course saw a better maturation of my original articles and thus better search engine ranking. My ratio improved to $9.76/1000 PVs for the month. During September I also added an additional 19 articles to my library (yes, my pace slowed considerably). At this point I see that the earning potential is quite good here. :)

September eHow Earnings Statistics
55 published articles earned at a combined rate of $9.76 / 1,000 PV
80 percent of my earnings came from 25 percent of my articles
20 percent of my earnings came from 37 percent of my articles
38 percent of my articles had no earnings at all

Also, as stated in my goals post I want to duplicate my day job income by earning residual income online. Here is my progress thus far without giving out actual numbers:

In the coming months I’d like to improve on these numbers. I’d like to my current 80/25 ratio to improve to say… 80/40 and of course I’d like my $0 earners to decrease in percentage as low as possible. We’ll have to see what natural article maturation does however, because as of yet, none of my articles have even aged two months yet.
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This privacy policy updated October 8, 2009.
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October 7, 2009

Got A Keyword Formula? Know What You’re Missing?

Recently I was introduced to an interesting formula for identifying profitable keywords to target in article writing and blog posting. The formula -as it was told to me- is (CPC)*(global monthly count of searches)*.005. The result, I was told should be greater than 50 to be a “good” keyword to focus on. As previously stated I thought this was fairly interesting but I also feel it’s a bit anal and lacking in scope. Mainly because it doesn’t take into account which keywords you can actually rank high for, nor does it account for keywords that result in web searchers actually clicking on ads.

I’m sure many people use formulas such as this one and probably many others to size up their target words and I’m many of these people make good money but let me tell you what I think about this one in particular based on a case study of one of my articles that ranks light years higher than 50 in this but will likely not perform up to such a lofty standard.

Based solely on income derived, my highest earning article on eHow to date (which hasn’t even been live for two months) works out to 287.55 on the formula and it get’s approximately $16.79 per thousand pave views (PV). The formula has at least correctly identified my winner but as I previously stated the formula lacks the foresight to know whether or not you can feasibly rank in the first page for your keyword. In my case I can. I am currently 7th and 10th on Google for two variations of my keyword phrase. Hopefully with a little strategic plugging I can get these to fall higher on the page and increase my net page views and earnings. The point is however if I can’t get on the front page then no matter the result of this formula I won’t get the visitors to get me good income.

My highest earner that got the 287.55 through the formula is up against roughly 70,600 pages where as my highest potential earner based on the formula based on this formula comes out to 11,352.8, but it's hardly my best earner because it's up against other pages (only about 4,000) that also rank very well for my keyword (I can't get close to the front page... yet). This article’s earnings are good but no where near my best. It has the potential though, it's earned so far $23.57 per thousand PVs so far, which is better than my number one article. The problem with it though is it doesn't get to the front of Google easily so my page views are down and thus, the overall dollars in my pocket is lower than you might think.

All this is to say that it's easy to figure out which articles have potential but this must be compared against which can actually be achieved in search results. I know everyone says that the secret algorithm for earnings in eHow is mysterious but from a blogger's perspective it's just based on ad clicks... and maybe a little bit on views. It can’t be much different with eHow. The more eyes show up to pages that show expensive ads, the more money you will make.

My longevity blog has one page, Leading Causes of Death in the US, that gets a third of the site’s overall traffic... unfortunately it is a page where the ads pay very little. Thus even though it gets most of my traffic it is not in the top ten for earnings on my blog. You have to get high CPC keywords to make good money and then you have to get eyes on those articles. If you can only get one or none of those two elements you might have good article or post but also a poorly earning article or post.

One such eHow article I have that fits this profile (good article - poor earnings) is the very first article ever written titled How To Purchase Fine Wine for Under Ten Dollars (article was deleted by eHow). This was published before I knew to do keyword phrase research and thus it has been live for nearly two months but has only gotten 37 PVs and no earnings. I decided to experiment a bit today by editing some of the text to include a few more keyword mentions.  I added a SEO proper picture with a keyworded caption, and I have just linked to it with good anchor link text here on this post. We’ll see how this article does over the next 45 days or so now that I gave it some love. Unfortunately I can’t change the title but hey; it was my first article, I have to accept it for what it is.
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