eHow Earnings - Blog Earnings - InfoBarrel Earnings
You might expect that all those linking strategies paid of handsomely for me and my online residual income skyrocketed. You would be wrong however. My earnings on eHow increased about 1 percent month over month and my blog income decreased month over month. Because I didn’t post my first article on InfoBarrel until the 18th of the month I only made a little more than a dollar there and resultantly my overall monthly earnings declined slightly from October.Having said that however all individual stats from my eHow earnings look pretty good. Here is the break down as usual:
eHow Residual Earnings Statistics - November 2009
67 published articles earned at a combined rate of $10.25 per 1,000 PV – up from $10.19 in October
80 percent of my earnings came from 24 percent of my articles – up from 19 percent in October
20 percent of my earnings came from 45 percent of my articles – up from 41 percent in October
31 percent of my articles had no earnings at all – down from 39 percent in October
If you compare back to October every one of these stats improved month over month and I am very confident this is because of the backlink work I’ve been putting in to these articles from my blogs and from InfoBarrel in particular. If you haven’t yet tried InfoBarrel for its residual earnings and backlinks potential I recommend them whole heartedly. You can use my referral link here or a non-referral link here. Of course I’d be honored if you let me refer you in.
InfoBarrel Residual Earnings Statistics - November 2009
I don’t think I’m going to say much yet. I posted a lot in November but it was all at the end of the month and thus nothing has really earned yet. For the sake of saying something however I will say I posted 37 articles at the end of November and have earned $1.26. In December I’ll provide some updates on InfoBarrel and will fully analyze my earnings on the next Income report in the first week of January.
Hey, Chez, I made a T-shirt in honor of all the motivational articles you put out for us residual income writers. Go check it out:
Ha! That's funny; thanks for pointing me to it. :)