I wanted to publish a short article today which is more about giving back to others than about anything else. I do have one piece of advice however which I will give out right away so if you aren’t the social type then you don’t have to read all the way to the end.
It’s my opinion that you can easily make good money online by simply staying anonymous and never meeting another person online at all. It’s not really as fun and it’s quite solitary but it is possible. When you make friends online and you each support each other with encouragement then that helps; when you support each other with contextual anchored backlinks then that helps even more but even without these things you can still succeed… especially when you are writing about non-social niches. When you are writing about topics that do not really spawn friendships and partnerships. Replacement toilet seat hinges may be one such niche that just doesn’t get you any friends.
Too succeed in writing online for residual income your have to do what you can to help yourself out and one easy way to do this is with a site call Feedage. Feedage is basically a site where you can create a profile and then submit your RSS feed to your profile and it will create a page that will list the summary of each article on that feed for the most recent 30 articles. Each summery includes an anchored link pointing to the original article and every link is dofollow. You can see what this looks like by checking out my IB Feedage page displaying my InfoBarrel article feed. A few other examples are the feed from a few friends of mine on InfoBarrel Travis, Zach, Phil, and Eileen.
This page really looks like a no frills page; something that is not worth setting up but in actuality it can help you dramatically in your efforts on sites like InfoBarrel. My one tip for this blog post is this. If you write for InfoBarrel and you want to make more money then set up an account at Feedage and submit your IB article feed to it. Your article feed is found right on your InfoBarrel profile page. Once you set this up you will suddenly have a page which automatically links to each new article you publish helping it to get indexed quicker and build authority in the eyes of the search engines just a little faster. Then if you can build authority to your Feedage page it will help even more. To do this all you have to do is send some backlinks at your Feedage page… or have a friend do it for you.
Friends after all do help things along quite nicely. Luckily it’s easy to find good friends over on InfoBarrel (just check out the forums) so if you haven’t joined yet and started making money over there I recommend you join InfoBarrel today. If you are unsure how much you can make then let me guide you to my InfoBarrel Earnings… hopefully that will inspire you to start building your article library today.
Good tip. I just checked and I had submitted my RSS to Feedage. Everyone should definitely do it because it only takes a couple of minutes but it will help every single article that you write.
ReplyDelete@Carrie - You summed up the importance of doing this into one perfect sentence.